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Clinicians Star in Off-Broadway Musical About Antimicrobial Resistance

Past and present collide in a show with an important public health message

Sep 06, 2024
A photo of an advertisement for the Lifeline play outside the Signature Theater in New York City.
Boom, Now Bust: Budget Cuts and Layoffs Take Hold in Public Health

Governments are slashing budgets that feed local health departments

Sep 06, 2024
 A photo of scissors and a $100 bill.
Insurer Will Launch 'Gold Card' Program to Skip Prior Authorization

Prior authorization has remained a significant source of administrative burden, physicians say

Sep 05, 2024
A photo of a gold credit card with the letters V.I.P. printed on it.
$100M Botched Circumcision Case; Perry Trial Date Set; Euthanasia Doc Pleads Guilty

A weekly roundup of healthcare's encounters with the courts

Sep 05, 2024
Legal Break over a blindfolded Lady Justice statue holding scales.
PA Group Sends Second Letter Asking AMA for Policy Truce

A second open letter requests a meeting to discuss the impact of AMA's "disparaging rhetoric"

Sep 04, 2024
The logo of the American Academy of Physician Associates.
Just How Addictive Is the Drug That Killed Matthew Perry?

Even if ketamine isn't as addictive as opioids, widespread use can still pose problems

Sep 04, 2024
 A photo of vials of ketamine.
Surgeon Removed Liver Instead of Spleen, Family Says

Pathologist finds liver instead of splenic tissue

Sep 04, 2024
A photo of a surgeon holding a scalpel in white rubber-gloved hands.
Gender Care Docs Threatened; Optum Takeover Regrets; Profiting Off Patients

This past week in healthcare investigations

Sep 04, 2024
INVESTIGATIVE ROUNDUP over an image of two people looking at computer screens.
$300M Lawsuit for Hospital Where RN Is Accused of Replacing Fentanyl With Tap Water

Suit says the hospital failed to monitor medication administration procedures

Sep 04, 2024
A photo of the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford, Oregon.
Residents Strike, Demonstrate Around Labor Day Weekend

Trainees in Buffalo strike, while those in Philadelphia demonstrate for better pay

Sep 04, 2024
A photo of signage outside of University at Buffalo in Amherst, New York.
Novel Smart Mask Monitors Exhaled Breath Continuously

Immediate clinical application is unclear, but prototype shows potential

Sep 03, 2024
 A photo of a person wearing the EBCare mask.
Feds Killed Plan to Curb Medicare Advantage Overbilling After Industry Opposition

"CMS made a complete boondoggle out of this," one expert said

Sep 02, 2024
A photo of UnitedHealth Group signage outside of the headquarters in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
With Only Gloves to Protect Them, Farmworkers Say They Tend Sick Cows Amid Bird Flu

Employers fail to provide PPE while concerns grow over undiagnosed cases

Sep 01, 2024
 A photo of a female veterinarian holding her blue rubber gloved hand up to the nose of a dairy cow.
For Pharma, Trump vs Harris Is a Showdown Between Two Industry Foes

As both candidates battle Big Pharma, the industry's financial support sways toward Democrats

Aug 30, 2024
 A photo of pills stacked in front of a $100 bill.
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